Frank Warren Conference 2016

The research team attended the 14th Frank Warren conference hosted at Rhodes University in Grahamstown from the 4th to 8th of December. The Frank Warren conference is the South African Chemical Institutes (SACI) premium organic chemistry conference covering all areas branches of organic chemistry. Professor Charles De Koning (University of the Witwatersrand)  gave the Frank Warren keynote address in a talk entitled “Around the world in 80 molecules” highlighting his work over the last 25 years.

During the course of the conference we were able to introduce the attendees to our work in both continuous flow chemistry and medicinal chemistry targeting Alzheimer’s disease with talks by Dr Darren Riley “Continuous flow technology for the development of economic and green syntheses of pharmaceuticals” and our collaborator Dr Jenny-Lee Panayides (CSIR) ” “.

The whole research team presented their work at the poster session and poster flash talks, with Divan van Greunen and Valerie Ramoatsoa being awarded poster prizes for their efforts.